To underline the need for radical, systemic
changes, we have chosen the term “AgroEcological Transitions” for the title of
this volume. It stresses that a transition towards sustainable agriculture
requires more than improving agribusiness as usual. To us, agroecology refers
to broad and varied processes of experimentation and innovation that often
start in niches and have the potential of transforming the dominant agri-food
system into a more sustainable one. Analysing these ongoing processes will
increase our understanding of transformative change. The chapters of this book
reflect the need for such insights by analysing a broad variety of
agroecological ‘breakthroughs-in-the-making’.
- Elzen, B., A. Augustyn, M. Barbier and B. van Mierlo. 2017. AgroEcological Transitions: Changes and Breakthroughs in the Making. DOI: [PDF]
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