Great Bustards are still vulnerable to
agricultural intensification, power line collision, and other human-induced
landscape changes. Their world population is estimated to be between 44,000 and
57,000 individuals, showing a stable demographic trend at present in the
Iberian peninsula, its main stronghold, but uncertain trends in Russia and
China, and alarming declines in Iran and Morocco, where it will go extinct if
urgent protection measures are not taken immediately. Our knowledge of the
behaviour and ecology of this species has increased considerably over the last
three decades, allowing us to control the major threats and secure its
conservation in an appropriately managed cereal farmland. This species became
‘The Bird of the Year’ in Hungary in 2014.
- Juan Carlos Alonso. 2014. The Great Bustard: past, present and future of a globally threatened species. Ornis Hungarica 22(2): 1–13. [PDF]
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